| 1. | Bei jing guo lin hotel beijing news plaza hotel 北展宾馆原北京展览馆宾馆 |
| 2. | Mr li jianya , from the beijing news 李健亚,来自新京报 |
| 3. | Beijing news plaza hotel 北京新大都饭店 |
| 4. | Beijing news net 中外玩具礼品网 |
| 5. | Beijing news plaza hotel : beijing hotels - china hotel beijing hotel reservation 北京新闻大厦酒店:北京饭店-中国饭店北京饭店订房网 |
| 6. | Accounts from china say at least 100 reporters at the beijing news stopped filing articles thursday 来自中国的消息说,至少有100名新京报的记者星期四停发新闻。 |
| 7. | The beijing news is known for printing sensitive articles and editorials about the government and social issues 新京报以经常刊登文章和评论批评政府以及一些社会问题而知名。 |
| 8. | The former residence , a small chinese courtyard - style house , is located in a hutong in east - central beijing , beijing news reported 据北京新京报报道,侯宝林的故居位于北京中东部的一个胡同里。这是一座中式小四合院。 |
| 9. | " zhu guanghu ' s tenure as coach of the national team has finished , " the beijing news quoted the team ' s general manager wei shaohui as saying 《新京报》援引国足领队蔚少辉的话说, “朱广沪在国家队的教练任期已结束。 ” |